Who are we?


The Mustard Tree partners with local communities, charities and statutory organisations to identify unmet needs among the most vulnerable and marginalised people in our society. Working through those partnerships we then innovate and develop projects that reduce health and social inequalities, increase community engagement, and give a voice to the unheard.

We are passionate that every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Reduce health and social inequalities.
Build stronger more connected communities.
Give a voice to the unheard.

Working in partnership to identify and address unmet needs.
Facilitating local communities to support local people.
Ensuring every individual is listened to, valued and empowered to make positive change.

Our faith inspires us to serve all sections of our diverse communities.

Integrity – Honest, transparent and trustworthy in all operations.
Compassionate – A relational approach that demonstrates empathy and care.
Innovative – Creative, holistic, solutions tailored to the need.
Professional – Excellence in leadership, developing specialist teams.
Inclusive – Working in partnership, enabling community, celebrating diversity.

Addressing unmet social needs

We seek to identify social needs that are not being met by existing provision. 

Each project we run provides frontline support, addressing the practical and emotional needs of these groups.

Empowering Local Communities

We work collaboratively with local communities.

Listening and responding to our beneficiaries to develop the most effective solutions.

Effecting strategic change

We partner with others in strategic contexts.

Looking to address root causes and systems that may perpetuate issues and being a voice for the unheard.

OUR ETHOS is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ and in His love, which compels us to serve others.

We are motivated and inspired by His message, life and example through which God’s unconditional love for all people is expressed.

It is this faith which directs and influences our relationships both internally and externally, as we seek to serve the marginalised and overlooked in our communities. 

The Mustard Tree works professionally to uphold Jesus Christ’s values, reflecting His inclusivity, integrity and compassion.

We believe in the power of prayer to transform situations and our activities are an inseparable outworking of our faith.