Fancy a Cuppa? Lent 2024

Please donate just £21 to The Mustard Tree this Lent. 


Over this season of Lent we are asking you to donate the equivalent of six cups of coffee to support our work helping those who face disadvantage


Why six cuppas?

We all enjoy a catch up over a cup of tea or coffee. It’s a way to keep in touch with family, old friends, make new friends or simply catch up on what’s happening with your work colleagues. Here at The Mustard Tree Foundation, we encourage our service users to tell us about themselves, what they need to thrive and we listen to want us to do to help them.

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or a milkshake are important tools in how we support those who are isolated, alone or face disadvantage.  We support them through befriending and mentoring – through our coffee morning and young people’s hubs.

The average cost of a cup of coffee is £3.50 – over the six weeks of Lent, that’s just £21.  Of course, if you are able, please Gift Aid it and that will result in over £25 going directly to our work helping people thrive together in Reading.

To donate click HERE or call us on 0118 956 7000.

Thank you.